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Develop yourself by impacting the world

Cross-Cultural volunteer experience for young people who seek to develop themselves and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Participants from HK
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Volunteering Projects

Our uniqueness

Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

Find the project around the world that contributes to a cause you care about. All Global Volunteer projects are designed to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Cross-cultural Experience

Experience a new culture, meet like-minded people, and expand your network across the world while volunteering.

Develop Yourself

Step out of your comfort zone and live in a challenging environment which will develop your leadership competencies, personal skills and improve your language capabilities.

Sign up for more updates on Global Volunteer

Get updated projects, offers and news right from your fingertips.

By clicking the “Kickstart your journey” button, you are agreeing with the privacy agreement from AIESEC.
For more details, please visit aiesec.hk/privacy-policy/

Sign up for more updates on Global Volunteer

Get updated projects, offers and news right from your fingertips.

By clicking the “Kickstart your journey” button, you are agreeing with the privacy agreement from AIESEC.
For more details, please visit aiesec.hk/privacy-policy/

Volunteer for Global Goals

Why do we provide Global Volunteer experiences?

Our Global Volunteer projects around the world exist because as AIESEC, we choose to shape what we do around what the world needs. We have committed to creating a youth movement to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030.

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Our Global Volunteer Stories

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